Kissing Cousins

Previous FAQ: Exploding Royalty

One of Sarah and Emily’s ancestors is unique.  Lugaidh Sriabhn Dearg MacBreas 98th High King of Ireland.  We absolutely know that Lugaidh’s grandfather was king.  We absolutely know that Lugaidh’s father was one of Lugaidh’s grandfather’s three sons.  History is just blank on the issue of which of the sons is Lugaidh’s father, because all three we having Biblical relations with Lugaidh’s mother at the same time. (They were identical Triplets)  Ancestrally, it does not matter which son was the father.  The bloodline passes through one of the brothers upward to the Grandfather King.  Besides, Lugaidh’s mother was actually the triplet’s sister.  Ah, the Irish.

Mathematically, all family trees contain incest.  But the above, while fairly common among ancient royal houses, is *not* what this topic is about.  Kissing cousins in this context refers to the tendency for seemingly unrelated people to share distant ancestors.

By way of example, Sarah and Emily are sisters.  That said, they are also 19th cousins.  That is true, because their parents are 18th cousins and share a common 17th-great grandfather (Thomas Gamage)…

$)Tree Kissing Cousins

While I have not been seeking out this kind of interconnection between ancestors, it is pretty cool to find one within the family tree.  I guess the rude “West Virgina” rumor is factually true.  Janella married her cousin.

Next FAQ: Hierarchy of Heirage

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