The Kingdom of Brittany

National Data

Historical Kingdom of Brittany

Historical Monarchs of Brittany

Modern Kingdom of Scotland

Royal Ancestral Lines of Sarah and Emily

Line “A” (Gwynedd R–M2FM2F)

  • Alain Juduael ap Hoel Fychan I 8th King of Brittany (Brittany A–M)
  • Hoël Fychan ap Hoël Mawr II 7th King of Brittany (Brittany A–M2)
  • Hoël Mawr ap Emyr Llydaw I 6th King of Brittany (Brittany A–M3)
  • Budic II Emyr Llydow ap Erich Duke of Brittany (Brittany A–M4)
  • Erich ap Aldrien Duke of Brittany (Brittany A–M5)
  • Aldrien ap Selyfan Aldroenus (Brittany A–M6)
  • Saint Selyfan “Salomon” ap Gradlon 2nd King of Brittany (Brittany A–M7)
  • Gradlon Mawr “The Great” ap Conan King of Brittany (Brittany A–M8)
  • Conan King Meriadog of Brittany and Dumnonia (Brittany A–M9)
  • Gereint Caradoc ab Einudd Lord of Meridoc (Brittany A–M10)
  • Ancestors of Ewyas Line “A” (Brittany A–M10)


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